Effective FAQ Pages

A page or section dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be a useful part of your website. It’s a tool that audiences are used to seeing across the internet. However, you don’t want to present key information solely in an FAQ, or include so many questions that it’s hard to navigate. Here are some pros and cons of FAQ pages, and how to construct one effectively, if it’s right for your site.

Pros of an FAQ

Users are familiar with FAQ pages and have come to rely on them for answers to common questions. It might not be a bad idea to include an FAQ page on your site to accommodate those who look for information in this format. You should still be sure to include essential information in your main content areas.

FAQ pages can be useful when you have special situations or circumstances to address and doing so in your main content would be distracting to your main audience.

In addition, by giving concise, straightforward answers in an FAQ, you can help build trust with a user.

Cons of an FAQ

Some writers and content strategists advise against using FAQ pages. They believe that the information your audience most wants to know should be included in your main content. If your content is effective, you shouldn’t need an FAQ page.

FAQ pages can also be hard to navigate, especially if they are long. It can be difficult for a user to sift through many questions to find the information they seek. It can also be challenging to write questions phrased the way a user would ask them.

Creating an Effective FAQ

Ask yourself what common questions you receive. Check your site to see if the answers to those questions are clear in your existing main content. There might be an issue with how your information is phrased or organized.

If you want to answer obscure questions, or if you want to include an FAQ page as a supplement to your main content, think about organizing it in chunks. Use headings to separate the questions into logical categories to help a user quickly find information. Keep the questions as brief as possible to cut down on your user’s scanning time.

Further Reading

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